This salad makes a great appetizer for dinner parties or holiday meals. The flavors are bright and tangy, and it’s both quick to make and very beautiful. Be sure to use Belgian endive leaves that have a lot of magenta
Pan-fried Scallops with Balsamic Glaze
Scallops are the ravioli of seafood: two-bite sized, and deceptively rich. These are so good, you’ll want to keep eating well past full. This preparation is very quick, so be sure your sides are ready before you start. Garlic mashed
Smart Seafood Shoppers Keep it Simple and Safe
Recent labeling laws, called COOL (country-of-origin labels), require grocery stores and other seafood outlets to clearly inform shoppers where their fish comes from. China? Thailand? U.S. waters? Wild or farmed? A new generation of savvy seafood shoppers is learning to
Cracked Pepper Seared Tuna with Tomato-Caper Rigatoni and Mushrooms
Fresh or frozen, ahi tuna is one of the most wonderful, flavorful seafoods out there. It’s the closest thing to red meat the sea provides, and is dense enough to be served in small portions. The less you do with
The Other Seafood
Not every food from the sea has tentacles, shells, or fins. Even vegetarians can benefit from sustainable ocean harvest. Seaweed, or marine alga, is found all over the world, and has fed humankind for millennia. Of the thousands of
Baked Halibut with Lemon-Basil Cream
This preparation produces one of the juiciest, most flavorful fillets of halibut we’ve yet found – both light and rich, with just enough tang to cut the creaminess of the coating. Serve with steamed rice and a spicy vegetable stir
Chipotle Black Cod
This is one of the easiest, quickest preparations I’ve tried, but don’t let its simplicity fool you – the flavors are complex and well suited to a variety of sides or servings. I used black cod, which has a tender