Categories Cookware

An Introduction to Asian Cookware

41JIRP2VmgL._AC_US160_41JIRP2VmgL._AC_US160_If you’re new to Asian Cookware, you’ll find that not only are some pieces dipped in history, but that each piece can help to create a fun and exciting new dish that can be served in large quantities for guest parties and dinners as well as in small servings for just you or a dinner of two. Due to the large amount of Asian Cookware options on the market today, we’ve put together a list of some of the more commonly used Asian pieces as well as some popular recipes and dishes you may want to look up before purchasing your collection.

What is Asian Cookware

Asian cookware is simply put, exactly what it sounds like. With this type of cookware, you’ll find that many pieces are very different from American and European cookware, while other pieces are quite similar. When searching for that perfect piece of cookware, you’ll find a variety of coating styles ranging from cast iron to stainless steel. Because of this, you may want to first take a look at a few recipes that you’re interested in making. Reading these recipes first will give you a good idea as to which type of cookware (and how many) to purchase. Sometimes, you’ll also be able to find out a little bit of history concerning a piece of Asian Cookware. Though some of the cookware pieces that you see on the market today are modern, there are many pieces that haven been in use for thousands of years. These pieces generally offer an insight into Asian culture and serve as a rich piece of history, which in turn can easily become a conversational piece during dinner.

Types of Asian Cookware

As with any other region, there are many different types of Asian cookware used in kitchens today. Some of them are used quite regularly, some even every day, while others are generally only used for special occasions and the like. Some of the more commonly found and used Asian cookware pieces include:

  • Chopsticks (main utensil used)
  • Bamboo Steamers
  • Chinese Woks
  • Ginger Graters
  • Iron Tamago Pans
  • Stove Top Fish Roasters
  • Stainless Steel Shabu-Shabu Pans
  • Sushi Okes

If you’re interested in making Sushi at home, you’ll want to consider some of the cookware pieces listed below. Although technically you can make great sushi without these, it tends to be a lot more difficult and more of a hassle than it’s sometimes worth.

  • Bamboo Sushi Mats
  • Wooden Sushi Presses
  • Rice Paddles
  • Spam Sushi Molds

Dishes Made with Asian Cookware

There are many fantastic Asian dishes that are primarily made with Asian cookware, some of which you probably have already tasted at a restaurant or party and others that may be completely foreign to you. Some of the more notable Asian dishes and recipes out there include:

  • Curried Coconut Chicken
  • Chinese Chicken Fried Rice
  • Egg Rolls
  • Pot Stickers
  • Sesame Pasta Chicken Salad
  • Broccoli with Garlic Butter and Cashews
  • Sushi

>>Click here for more recipes from a great cookbook: The Asian Kitchen, Fabulous Recipes from Every Corner of Asia


An Introduction to Asian Cookware

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