Categories Deep Fryers

$25 Presto Kitchen Kettle Multi-Cooker/Steamer – My Absolute Favorite Small Appliance

Presto Multi-cooker, Steamer & Deep FryerPresto Multi-cooker, Steamer & Deep FryerIf I really want to put a happy smile on my face all I have to do is break out my favorite small kitchen appliance – my little counter top deep fryer. It’s officially named the Presto Kitchen Kettle Multi-Cooker/Steamer but I primarily use it for frying.

Be sure to check out my favorite happy hour deep fryer recipe at the end of this post.

For only $25 at Amazon this little fryer, er multi-cooker and steamer, is an awesome deal. It has a magnetically attached temperature control so if you accidentally yank the cord (or if you’re like me, your dogs do) the power cord pops off like a Macbook and you are spared the probably incredibly painful spilling of 400-degree oil all over yourself and the rest of the kitchen. Disaster averted!

What I Like About It:

Price – $25 is a deal. I’ve had cheaper ones and more expensive ones. For the money I like this one much better than many double the price.

Simplicity – There are very few parts and all of them are extremely easy to clean. I put everything except the power cord into the dish washer after cleaning the oil off them first. Not sure if that’s recommended, but it’s held up for 2 years of doing that.

Size – This thing is extremely compact and stores really well with all the parts inside. It’s good for frying a meal for 2-4 people depending on the meal.

Temperature Control – While the temp control isn’t super accurate (I use a separate thermometer which is always a good idea anyway) having one in this price range is a bonus.

What I don’t Like About It:

Size Is A Double Edged Sword – Small is good in most cases, but in others I am wishing I had one double the size. For example, when I made the Chicken-n-Waffle pictured to the right. I cooked each breast separately. I could have put 2 of them in at once but I like to keep the oil lower and let them have more room. One double this size would have been awesome. However, for smaller meals you would have to use more oil. Maybe I need two sizes….

And now, my Super Simple Extra Happy Hour Recipe!

Ingredients for an extra happy hour:

  • Ample Quantity Good Beer or Bourbon
  • Chicken or Fish, 1lb per person
  • Breading Mix with Spices
  • Peanut Oil – 1 Gallon
  • 1 Presto Multi-Cooker/Steamer/Deep Fryer


  1. Begin drinking ample quantity of good beer and/or bourbon.
  2. Pour peanut oil into fryer. Don’t be an idiot and remember that it will expand, and whatever you put into it will displace it too. Aka = Don’t fill to the top and add stuff when it’s hot. It will hurt you. Turn the fryer up to desired temperature.
  3. Refuel with good beer or bourbon.
  4. Prepare fish or chicken according to your preferred recipe.
  5. Refuel with good beer or bourbon.
  6. Dunk prepared protein into something sticky, like buttermilk or egg wash. Coat evenly, roll it around and fondle it if you really feel like it. Then dunk into your breading mix and repeat.
  7. Refuel with good beer or bourbon.
  8. Once all your awesome stuff is breaded and fryer oil is up to temp, let it rest for a minute or two, then drop (gently place!) it into the hot fryer oil.
  9. Refuel with good beer or bourbon.
  10. Fry until perfect. Remove, let rest for a few and pat dry unless you like eating oily crap.
  11. Refuel with good beer or bourbon.
  12. Forget the side dishes. You have beer, bourbon and awesome fried food. For the purposes of this recipe, vegetables (and Trix) are for rabbits!
  13. Consume copious amounts of fried food and the remainder of your good beer and bourbon simultaneously.
  14. Fall asleep on couch.

Use Your Brain Disclaimer:

Some greedy dumb-a** out there may not understand this is intended in jest and in order to cover my butt from their insurance-money-chasing attorney I must state that this is in no way intended to promote the consumption of alcohol, eating unhealthy foods, doing so simultaneously, endangering yourself, your family, your friend, your pets or anything else of yours that you may or may not care about. I am actually not suggesting you do ANYTHING other than click on that link and buy this awesome fryer from Amazon and at that I am only suggesting you do that of your own sound mind, completely sober and fully knowing and understanding I will make a small commission if you do – probably around $1.49 which definitely isn’t going to pay too many of my bills! I also hereby include all other should-be-common-sense-disclaimers found everywhere in life including the ones you click “I agree” to when installing software you have no choice but to install. Please don’t sue me, just buy this awesome fryer for $25 and have a great, safe time with it.

$25 Presto Kitchen Kettle Multi-Cooker/Steamer – My Absolute Favorite Small Appliance

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