The Ambassador for Oceans and Fisheries stated recently that the United States needs to research the Arctic area in particular the Chukchi and Becufort sea’s so it can be determined how best to manage future human activities in the area.
Alaskan Fishing Slot Machine
Just for fun, a new online slot machine is being released in November called Alaskan fishing. It features pictures of great Alaskan scenery, rivers full of salmon, mountains, grizzly bears trophies, and fishing hooks. It gets good reviews from the
The Green List
The Monterey Bay Aquarium has just released a list of seafood both high in omega 3 and sustainable or the super green list. The list has also been compiled with the lowest contaminant levels. The issues around mercury and contaminants
Chilean Salmon Stocks Hit By ISA
A new report looking at Chiles salmon stocks has concluded that the stocks are being affected by Infectious Salmon Anemia or ISA. Chile is known to be one of the five most productive marine areas in the world with over
A Diet Rich in Fish Can Lower Risk of Diabetes
Researchers from the UK part of the EPIC – Norfolk study with 21,984 participants aged 40-79 years followed for more than 10 years. Have found that higher fish intake was associated with significantly lower risk of diabetes. Unfortunately folks who
Western Alaskan Fisherman are Struggling and Angry
Fisherman in Western Alaska feel angry at the State fishing managers claiming that the managers mismanaged struggling salmon stocks on the Yukon river. Thus in turn adversely affecting the rural Alaskan communities. The people of the Bethel region state that
California Leads The Way In Protecting Our Future Seafood
On October 12th 2009, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a sustainable seafood bill into law. The bill was the brain child of Mr. Bill Monning who worked alongside the famous Monterey Aquarium. The Aquarium is well know for its seafood