On October 15th the King crab season started. Alaska’s Bristol Bay Red King is set at 16 million pounds on par with the 10 year average although less than the year before and the Bering Sea Snow Crabs are set at 48 million pounds again less than years gone by but on average.
The levels for harvest are carefully set to maintain sustainability and health of the ocean. The Alaskan king crab legs are the largest shellfish legs and are priced for their juicy, flavorsome and tender meat. King Crab appears on restaurant menu’s around the country and is enjoyed by many at this time of year.
New York Cities Old Oceana restaurant has them on the menu and it was well recieved in a review by the New York times in fact it was stated that the Author would like to have them weekly.
So why not treat yourself this holiday season and order some fresh Alaskan crab, it would be great for a holiday party and sure to impress the guests.
- http://www.qsrmagazine.com/articles/news/story.phtml?id=9635
- http://events.nytimes.com/2009/11/18/dining/reviews/18rest.html